📖What is Daımon?

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'Daimon or Daemon (δαίμων: "god", "godlike", "power", "fate") originally referred to a deity or guiding spirit such as the Daimons of ancient Greek religion and mythology and of later Hellenistic religion and philosophy. The word is derived from Proto-Indo-European *Daimon' provider, divider (of fortunes or destinies),' from the root *da- 'to divide'. Daimons were seen as the souls of men of the golden age acting as tutelary deities. See also Daimonic: a religious, philosophical, literary and psychological concept.'


Daımon is a decentralised, non-custodial asset management protocol that enables Communties and their Treasuries to connect with Management Castles so as to benefit from Separately Managed Account (SMA) services.

The Daımon Protocol is radically committed to the worldwide democratisation of investment access by offering users the potential to collectively manage their Treasuries in a cost-effective, social and innovative fashion that streamlines and optimises Treasury governance.

By building on this foundation, Daımon Labs and our Community aim to establish the Daımon Protocol as the world's leading decentralised asset management ecosystem by 2025.


Daımon introduces innovative blockchain-based asset management solutions that enable:

🆓Costless Onboarding

Any community can onboard a Treasury and access Separately Managed Account services, or set up an asset management firm, at significant below-market costs.

📄Increased Security

Through a novel consensus-based voting mechanism, communities gain voting rights that allow members to hard-code smart contract-based rulesets within their investment fund.

🔎Greater Transparency

Completely transparent, 24/7 investor access to all asset management activity, hence mitigating rent-extraction, along with tamper-proof valuations of fund holdings.

👔Professionals Marketplace

The first marketplace facilitating professional wealth management networking, talent acquisition and career development for Treasury Managers.

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